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Display of Time Remaining in Auction

All auction times are Eastern Standard Time (EST), except between the first Sunday of April to the last Sunday of October, which is Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

Item Time Left

An item's remaining time in auction is displayed on the summary page:

and on the item's detail page:


When you display an item's "Detail" tab, the "End Time", Opening or Current Bid amount, and Reserve status (met/not met) is "current". - These areas remain unchanged until you:

  • Leave and then return to "Detail" tab.
  • Enter a bid
  • Click on the "Refresh" link that appears on the same line as the date/time stamp.

Auction Overtime

Automatic overtime occurs when a bid is entered and accepted by the system during the item's last (5) minutes in Auction. EXFA resets the item's clock back to an "End Time" of 5 Minutes, 0 Seconds.

Regardless of the number of bids entered during the last (5) minutes, each bid will reset the Auction clock back to "5 Minutes, 0 Seconds" until no bids are received within the final 5 minute period, and the item's clock expires.

All other EXFA bidding features apply during the item's (5) Minutes overtime.