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A free account is necessary to access the secure features of EX-FACTORY Auctions (EXFA):

  • Bid on auction items
  • Create and Manage the "My Auction Watch" list of items in the Auction
  • Request More Info on an Auction item
  • Request Freight & Logistic Information for an item

If you are not already logged on to the EXFA website and request a secure feature, a prompt is displayed to enter either your email address/password or to register for a free account.

All other features of the site may be viewed without personal identification.

Login or Register

Auction site links to Login or Register are located at the top/right of each page, on the HELP page, and on this page.

If you have established an account with another EX-FACTORY website (e.g, that account's email address/password is honored on the EXFA website. It is not necessary to register for another account.

When you open a new account, you must accept the terms of our "User Agreement". Upon successful registration, you automatically are logged on to the Auction system and receive an email confirmation of your account; please keep this email in a safe and confidential place.

Remember Me

The "Logon" area has a "Remember me" option to keep your account open for a maximum of (2) weeks on the PC you are using or until you "Log Out" of EXFA.

Privacy Policy

EXFA does not release any account information, including your email address, to an outside party.

For complete details, please click here to review our Privacy Policy or click on the link at the bottom of the homepage.