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My Auction Watch - Secure Area (Requires a free Login Account)

You may monitor or "watch" one or many items in Auction from a single web page that you dynamically add to and delete from.

This feature is accessed from the menu bar at the top of each Auction page.

When "My Auction Watch" is selected, you will be prompted to "log in" to your account (if not already logged on) or open a free auction account.

To place an item in the Auction Watch:

  1. Go to the Auction Item of interest
  2. Display the "Details" for the item
  3. Click on the "Watch This Item" button

If not already logged on to the auction site you will be prompted to login or create an account with EX FACTORY Auctions.

To view items in your Auction Watch:

Select "My Auction Watch" from the menu bar on every web page to see the "watched" item(s).

Note: An item you bid on is automatically placed in "My Auction Watch".

The image and brand/model/type areas are links to the item's detail page.

An item remains in "My Auction Watch" (even after the Auction is closed) until you click on the "Remove" link or trash can icon.